Joshua Colvin

Understanding JavaScript: Scope

Published August 29, 2016

Scope is an important concept to understand in JavaScript since it is the foundation that many other concepts are built upon. In this post, I’ll give a quick overview of scope.

What is scope?

Scope is the set of rules that determines what variables are available where

In JavaScript, a variable can live in one of two scopes: global or local. Variables declared within the global scope are accessible from any other scope throughout the entire runtime. We can create a new scope by declaring a function. Variables declared within a function are in the local scope of that function and can only be accessed within that function (unless using a closure).

Let’s create some variables and a function to demonstrate:

var foo = 'foo' // global scope

function bar() {
  var baz = 'baz' // bar's local scope

  console.log(baz) // local scope accessible here
  console.log(foo) // global scope accessible here


console.log(baz) // bar's local scope NOT accessible here
console.log(foo) // global scope accessible here

In the example above the foo variable is in the global scope and can be accessed from any scope. We prove this by logging foo from inside the bar function on line 7.

Inside of the function bar we create a new variable baz on line 4. baz is in the local scope of the bar function and can only be accessed from within the function. When we try to access baz from the global scope on line 12 we get the error: ReferenceError: baz is not defined.

The Scope Chain

JavaScript uses what’s called a scope chain to determine which variable is available in which scope. The scope chain starts at the inner most function and works its way up until it reaches the global scope. When it finds the variable you requested it stops moving up the chain.

Consider this example which will show the scope chain in action:

var foo = 'foo'

function bar() {
  var foo = 'inner foo'

  function baz() {
    console.log(foo) // inner foo



We first declare a global variable foo and a function bar. Inside of our bar function we create another foo variable, this time with the value inner foo. Lastly, we create a function, baz, inside of our bar function that logs out the value of foo.

Our baz function is the inner most function and the start of the scope chain. Since it is nested inside the bar function it has access to all of it’s scope. The scope chain first looks in the baz function for a variable named foo. When it fails to find a reference, it moves up the scope chain into the bar functions scope where it finds a variable foo with the value inner foo. It uses this value since it is the first instance it finds. Our inner foo is not overwriting the global foo but merely shadowing it.

Block Scope with let

Lastly, ES6 has introduced the let keyword that creates a block scope. Unlikevar which is in the local scope of the entire function body in which it is declared, let creates a new scope local to a block of code such as an if statement:

function foo() {
  var bar = 'bar'

  if (true) {
    let bar = 'let bar'
    console.log(bar) // let bar
  console.log(bar) // bar


By using the let keyword inside the if statement we create a bar variable that is local to that block of code. If we access bar outside of the if statement we get the bar from line 2.

Wrapping up

Scope is a powerful concept and one you must understand if you’re going to be writing JavaScript. Understanding closures relies heavily on one understanding scope first. Hopefully this post helped you gain a better understanding.

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Joshua Colvin is a UI Software Engineer specializing in building component libraries. He lives with his wife and two kids in Michigan.